Robot Studio 3X & 5X, Robcad interface

I'm purchasing both Robot Studion 3x & 5x for both controllers.  I want to know if both versoins have a Robcad interface.  I plan on programming with R-S then uploading to Robcad.  Also, how much information will go to Robcad.. the targets for sure, how about "fine" point info, or speed?  Where can I find literature on the  technical side of performing the upload to Robcad?




  • Hi Jonathon,

    The Robcad addin is only available for RobotStudio 3x at the moment. The Robcad addin is only for importing a Robcad station (the 3D models) into RobotStudio. There is no functionality for upload to Robcad.

    I am not a Robcad expert, but I am quite sure that it's possible to import a rapid program (ABB robot program) into Robcad without any special interface.

    So if that is possible, I suggest that you program the robot in RobotStudio, save the program as a rapid program (*.prg) and then import the rapid program into Robcad.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Dear Anders:

    You make the target transfer sound much simpler than I anticipated.  The 3D modeling will be the same IGES data as that imported to R-S.

    I'll post my results when they come in.  - Jonathon

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