RobotStudio event



Can anybody send me an example of RS5 .NET solution please?

Is it possible to use VisualStudio 2005 with RS 5.06 or I must downgrade to VS 2003?

My e-mail is

Thank you for your help!


Best regards,
Sergej Saibel


  • Hi
    RS 5.06 is only compatible with VS2003. In the next version 5.07 you will be able to use VS2005.
    But you don't need to uninstall VS2005. VS2003 and VS2005 runs side by side.

    There are 5 public assemblies in the RS API
    - ABB.Robotics.Math.dll
    - ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.dll
    - ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Environment.dll
    - ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations.dll
    - ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations.Forms.dll

    Addins should be placed in the folder Addins
    "where ever you installed RS"RobotStudioin

    When you start RS it will look for an "AddinMain" procedure in the assemblies place in the Addin folder.

    Be aware of than when you have added a reference you need to change the property "Copy Local" to false before you build. This only applies if you have setup VS to build to that specific addin folder described previously.

    Unfortanally we don't have any generic Examples/Documentation of the complete API so for now you have to try it out yourself. Or post a message here and I will tell you to do it.

    To make things easier for me,you and others reading the this thread don't ask for a complete solution just ask how to do a specific task like "How to create a Target with RS API"

    Here is just a simple example how to attach a toolwindow docked to the right that holds a usercontrol with one button displaying the famous "Hello World" message when pressed.


    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hello Per and many thanks for the demo example!

    Now I have some "how to do" questions. It would be kind of you to explain me how to:

    1.Load a station
    2.Load a program into virtual controller
    3.Save program from virtual controller into a file.
    4.Import a library into RobotStudio
    5.Attach/Detach a part to the robot then a signal becomes high/low.
    6.Set/reset an IO signal
    7.Sync path to controller/Sync controller to station if this operations exist in RobotStudio 5.
    8.Is it possible to load system parameters (f.ex. EIO.cfg) via API?

    Thank you again!

    Best regards,
    Sergej Saibel
  • Hi
    The RS API only have functions for working with the RS application and not the controller. If you want to work with the controller you should use the PC SDK included in Robot Application Builder and it has it's own thread here in the forum. So your questions 2,3,6,8 and some part of 5 (listening on the IO event) are questions for that thread.

    1. The load function isn't complete yet. Only works if there is no controller attached to it. Here is an example how to do it

    4. Here is an example how to load a library

    7. To be able to find out what to sync from the controller to the station you need to use RAB to read what's in the controller and after that you can use the RS API function SyncPathProcedure.
    Here is an example how to SyncToVC from RS API

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hi,
    nice to find some more information about the sdk here in the forum. But unfortunately I wasn't able to download the zip files (Error 404). I would be glad if these files could be available again.

    And I have some more questions.
    1. Is it possible to create geometry object with C#? Like 3D meshes, importing VRML, etc.
    2. Is it possible to run the Robotstudio in your own application by embedding a GraphicControl object into your own form? I was able to embed the object, but then I failed to load stations and geometry libraries.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Thomas,

    1. Yes, on the Body object there are methods for creating geometric entities. And you can use Part.Load to import files.

    2. If you use the API outside RobotStudio, you must always start with a call to RobotStudioAPI.Initialize() and end with RobotStudioAPI.Shutdown(). Then you should be able to create/load a station or a part and use that as the RootObject for your GraphicControl.
    Note though, that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that won't necessarily work outside RS.

    Johannes Weiman2006-3-27 8:42:14
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi
    Due to that we have moved the forum to a new server it seams like some attachments where lost so here they are again

    - What you can create is 3D solids and curves(polylines).
    - Yes all formats that you can see when you import a geometry file using RS userinterface you can also import using the API.
    - You want to write your own RS, no it's not possible. Everything needs to be hosted by RS. But if you look at the load station example you will see how you can make use of GC in RS

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products