RobotStudio event

Robot speed Decrease

How can i do to Decrease the robotspeed to less than 0,15mm/sek?

I need the robot to move a plasmawelding gun at 0,10-0,20 mm/sek.


TSd632012-03-19 08:40:21


  • Hi,
    The basic principle is to declare a speeddata and then use it, like this:
    Declare it in the module
    [code]MODULE Module1
    VAR speeddata vmin := [ 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0 ];[/code]
    That is 0.1 mm/s.
    Use it in the instruction
    [code]PROC Path_10()
    MoveL Target_20,vmin,fine,tool0WObj:=wobj0;[/code]
    Beware of the rotational value (second value) since I've seen experts making that rookie mistake. As in declaring a low speed but a relatively high rotational speed value, then when doing a joint/circular move you get a bad result.
    Check out the RAPID reference manual for details, it gives a warning for instance regarding slow movements:
    At very slow motion each movement should be short enough to give an interpolation time less than 240 seconds.[/quote]