RobotStudio event

Create more then one task

I'trying to create more than one task in my program, I'm not getting there.
Would any one please give help???
I need to create a task to create movement in a existing mechanism.
Thank u
Pedro Silva


  • You need the Multitasking option in your RobotWare system to have more than one task. Also, unless you have Multimove, there is only one motion task (=for the robot).
    Henrik Berlin
  • Hello Henrik, this means that I'll need to have in my system another robot or a positioner?

    Pedro Silva

  • No, it's enough whith a single robot to use the multitasking option. The system will then have one motion task and possibility to have up to nine "none motion tasks".
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics

  • When openning robotstudio how do I know that multitasking is installed??
    If not how do I may install it?
    Pedro Silva

  • Check your system configuration under the Offline tab.
    It should say something with MultiMove under the Options: part.
    If it's not there you can add that option thru System Builder
    by selecting your current system and click next untill you come to 
    Modify Options window. There you can select MultiMove Coordinated or MultiMove Independant.

    cabraja2012-03-23 09:54:38

  • Thanks
    I've created a new system with multitasking but now I can't make that my second task would always be running, it will run when I push the start button again.
    I have an instruction to "watch" a DI signal and I need the task to be always running and when it goes true it will make the intructions bellow.
    Kind regards
    Pedro Silva
  • Change the TYPE of the task to SEMISTATIC - as this type of background task

    The task restarts from the beginning at all warm starts. Modules will be reloaded if the file with automatic loaded modules is updated.

    The task is not stopped by emergency stops.

    The task is normally not stopped by the stop button on the FlexPendant. This can be configured on the FlexPendant by the operator.

    Hope this helps -

    Thomas H. Johnston
    PACs Application Engineer