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Fp interface on rw 5.14

How Can i write a Fp interface to rw 5.14?

As i Can se i must use rab 5.14 but Then i must use vs 2010. Another tropic tells that it Can not use compact frameworks in vs2010 . Will a rab 5.13 run under rw 5.14? I have very bad expeeience with differentiere rab and rw versions on the same controller
Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hi Klaus, 
    To develop a FlexPendant interface for RobotWare 5.14, you should use VisualStudio 2008 and FlexPendant SDK 5.14. 

    It is correct that  2010 does not support Compact Framework.

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

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