RobotStudio event

ABB robot 11 years old

Within a few weeks, I have to commision a robot that is 11 years old.

Up to now I only have experience with IRC5 and I only have Robotstudio 5.14.
As the robot is 11 years old I suppos it is an S4 type.
Can I still use my Robotstudio 5.14 for that, or do I need older version?
If so, are there free versions available?

In case of an S4 controller, how is the communication between the laptop and
the robotcontroller (ethernet or serial)?

Are there online manuals of the S4 available?




  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    If You save modules rs 5.14 You Can load into sc4 but be sure only to use data types and syntax supported by the sc4. I have Worked alot with rs 4.0 but there is Many bugs and chrases some times. I rs 4.0 You have to save your module to text file and then transfer with FTP if the controllere if controller is M2000 otherwise use floppy. To Day i only use rs 5.14. Rs 4 is very expensive and Don,t run very Well
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Thanks so far.
    Is the communication to the S4 serial?
    If so what configuration steps for the communication channel do I have to do in rs5.14?
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    What kind og communication dA3 You meen? To use seriel Channel A3n sc4 You need files and seriel Channel option A3n the controller. Programs are loaded from floppy drive. I have ko experience with ethernet A3n sc 4
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    I Think there is an option to M2000 named pc-interface but i dont know A3n the older controllers
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn

  • [QUOTE=Simotion]Thanks so far.
    Is the communication to the S4 serial?
    If so what configuration steps for the communication channel do I have to do in rs5.14?
    Hi Simotion,
    You can not connect RobotStudio 5.x  to an old S4C system directly. Regardless of option.
    Instead like Klaus said you would have to save the RAPID as modules. Then get those files onto the controller and load them using the TeachPendant. (Barring the usage of some specific functions it usually works with some tweaks).
    Normally back then you would run back and forth with floppy disks. But there is Ethernet options so that you can connect through LAN and transfer using FTP if you want, depending on model and Baseware version.
    You can get the manuals for such options by contacting your local ABB.
    Unless of course its older than S4C, as in an S4. Then it's SLIP connection and praying that it has an ethernet board etc.
  • Hi Simotion

        When I must do some programming activities using S4C+ Controller, I ussually use Serial Cable (Cross) for hardware and FileZilla or FTP Voyager for software.
         So I can edit the Rapid easily. But for parameter editting etc. we can not do it using the software. I suggest you must editting online by pendant, only Rapid Editting you must use another way, because I know it's very very difficult to edit the Rapid using Pendant on S4C+.



    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom
  • We have quite a few S4,C robots and for the most part we will use the teach pendant to write programs, long and tedious.  However, we do offline programming with Gedit so we can do syntax highlighting.  After that, we just use floppies.

  • USLuser1, can you share the RAPID language spec file (RAPID.lang)? It's probably located under: [code]/usr/share/gtksourceview-x.0/language-specs
    [/code]  or 

    Tudeschini2012-08-08 17:58:49
  • Tudeschini,

    As of now, I haven't created a .lang file for rapid.  I've only made snippets to use with RAPID inside of GEDIT.  Place the .xml file in the "user/.gnome2/gedit/snippets"   webwiz/4861/objc.rar

    You have to make sure that you are using the Objective C text highlighting for the snippets to work properly.

    But Thanks for pointing the .lang file out.  I will start on making a RAPID.lang file.