Hello everybody,

I have a question about the UAS. I want to allow the users of my RAB-Application to make inputs that should be written to the controller, but I dont't want them to have general access to RAPID-data ("Program data" - from ABB-menu). How can I handle this?

Thanks and best regards



Thanks for your help



  • Hello,

    There are some alternatives to achieve this. None of them are probably not exactly what you want unfortunately, but it is what is currently available.

    1. Deny the user the grant Grant.ModifyRapidPosition (aka "Perform ModPos and HotEdit" in RS-O aka ""UAS_RAPID_MODPOS"). Use some of the RAPID methods TPReadNum, UIMessageBox, UINumEntry etc for the user to write data to the RAPID program. They are not affected by UAS.

    2. Deny the user the grant ModifyRapidPosition and use (simulated) IO-signals to write data to the program. Requires the user to have the grant for writing to IO. Yucky, but it works.

    3. Use the application grant "FP_UAS_ABB_MENU_ACCESS" (aka "Access to the ABB menu on FlexPendant" in RS-O) to deny the user any access to the ABB menu in Auto-mode.

    Better mechanisms for communication between RAB applications and the controller are planned, but that is earliest for RW5.09.

    Hope this helps,

    Magnus Larsson

    ABB Robotics development engineer

    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer