RobotStudio event

System lock up MCO message

G'Day I'm useing an IRB 1400 with BaseWare 4.0 & ArcWare plus 4.0. Got a system lock and got this message in the middle of runing a cycle...
mco:tsksup.c 220 assert p-7use_count 70,file segm.c,line 854
Can any one help me with a explanacion of what this means ?
Thank you


  • Hello,

    This is an internal error indicating that the number of segments (individual pieces of the path) is exceeded.  The cause is an internal error and recommended solution is to get a more recent version of the BaseWare and ArcWare.   If that is not an option, then try to look at the number of points programmed, if they are very close of if there are any traps or interrupts that might not be handled correctly and are not returning the segment resources.

