Sample Application

Due to many requests that I have received, I have prepared a simple sample application that demonstrates the concept of opening "sub-forms".

It also includes generic wrapper functions for reading and writing Atomic Data (nums, bools, strings) and Digital I/O. These functions are defined in the VB module file "SampleModule", which is included in the project.

Please note that this sample is intended only to demonstrate basic FPSDK concepts. It is not to be treated as production code, and all users acknowledge that they use this code at their own risk.

This application is developed in VS 2003 (VB.Net) and was compiled against FPSDK 5.06.0095. It should run on the 5.06 Virtual IRC5 or a 5.06.01-03 physical controller. It WILL NOT work against RW 5.07 systems.

Please post any questions you may have about using this application within this topic. I will not respond to Private Messages.

Russell Drown