RobotStudio event

Orientation question

I am developing a function for a directional tool. My object is to follow a circle path while keeping the directional tool orientation tangent to the circle. I am using Reltool to offset the tool from a center point and changing the Z orientation of the original point. The way I am changing the z orientation is by getting the current value (EulerZYX) then  adding 90 to the Z and converting it back (OrientZYX) then normalizing it (NOrient). As i get to 90 degrees on the circle when i tries to move to 180 it rotates the TCP -270 rather then +90. The only way i see this is if i use a singareawrist(if i dont use SingArea it gives me a robot axis confg error) using MoveC functions or MoveL. I have tired doing 45 degree increments and still get the same problem at the same orientation. Is there any way to prevent the tool from changing orientation over 90 degrees.




  • I located the values that i was changing (+90) and as soon as the Euler value is 360 or over it changes the orientation and goes back to 0 degrees. I know that axis 6 has a possibility by default to go to 400 degrees is there anyway to convert Euler angle over 360 Degrees and not have it default back to 0?

  • Thanks Jim!


    fixed the issue!