RobotStudio event

How can i accelerate the robot?

     I want to know how can i use the "accelerate", i want to change the speed of robot very smooth. Thank u for the detailed information!
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  • ! This instruction is used to set the acceleration and Deceleration. The first "100" is acceleration and the second one is deceleration. These values are set in percentage..
    AccSet 100, 100;
    ! This instruction is used to set the speed. 100 is specified in percentage and 5000 is the maximum allowed Tcp-speed.
    VelSet 100, 5000;
  • In addition of the two instructions posted by jhansson there are other alternative.
    In the case of very long moves, you can create a new speeddata and increase the max speed on reorientation, for example. This increases the speed if are many moves on slow axis (5 and 6).
