RobotStudio event

Virtual Controller CRobT/47 Argument Error

SysVirRapdev: Argument Error    19-04-2012 19:05:06    Controllers    
Undefined if robot holds the tool or the workobject.

Here is the line causing the problem ( it is in a non motion task SEMISTATIC)
robtargetCurrentPos := CRobT (Tool:=tRapProgram WObj:=wobjRapProgram);

(I have tried with TaskRef:=TROB1Id as well)

Is there any way to do proper error handling so that the semistatic Task does not crash miserably...?

Best regards


  • How have you defined your variables tRapProgram and wobjRapProgram?
    Are they PERS or TASK PERS. They need to be PERS, otherwise you will not share your data between your tasks. I did that mistake and got the same error code as you.

    The program works for you when you do the movement instructions with tRapProgram and wobjRapProgram?


    Here is my 2 modules, and this works fine:

    Robot task:

    MODULE MainMoves
     PERS bool run_CRobt:=FALSE;
     TASK PERS tooldata tool1:=[TRUE,[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],[10,[103,0,108],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]];
     PERS tooldata L10tip:=[TRUE,[[138.695,150.023,98.9783],[0.709396,-0.704707,-0.00856676,0.00851007]],[10,[103.6,-0.7,108.5],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0.12]];
     CONST jointtarget jpos10:=[[0,0,0,0,0,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST jointtarget jpos20:=[[-10.4956,10.1942,43.8338,-15.7201,-46.1733,13.6386],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p10:=[[933.43,-156.03,885.18],[0.714349,0.00968503,0.699448,0.0196065],[-1,-1,0,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p20:=[[869.38,-650.65,553.29],[0.00200615,0.711693,-0.702145,0.0219609],[-1,-1,-1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p30:=[[869.38,335.71,553.30],[0.00200546,0.711693,-0.702145,0.0219654],[0,0,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p40:=[[1200.65,335.71,553.30],[0.00200207,0.711693,-0.702145,0.0219671],[0,0,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p50:=[[1200.65,-470.31,553.29],[0.00200949,0.711694,-0.702144,0.0219611],[-1,-1,-1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     CONST robtarget p60:=[[1067.01,-118.30,553.30],[0.0020111,0.711694,-0.702144,0.0219675],[0,0,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
     PROC main()
       MoveAbsJ jpos10NoEOffs, v1000, z50, tool0;
       MoveJ p10, v1000, z50, tool1;
       MoveJ p20, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveL p30, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveL p40, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveL p50, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveC p60, p40, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveL p50, v1000, z50, L10tip;
       MoveJ p20, v1000, z50, L10tip;


    Semistatic task:

     PERS bool run_CRobt;
     PERS robtarget BCK_p1:=[ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [ 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9] ];
     PERS tooldata L10tip;
     PROC main()
      WaitTime 10;
       WaitUntil run_CRobt = TRUE;
       BCK_p1 := CRobT(TaskName:="T_ROB1" Tool:=L10tip);
       WaitTime 0.01;