RobotStudio event

A question about FlexPentdant SDK.

I want to use FlexPentdant SDK to do something,and I have two ways:

a. Operate flexpentdant,manual mode,<Add Instruction>,chick MyTest(this is my function)
b. It will show "MyTest *,*,*;",chick the first "*"
c. now show my Application,to tell me how to select and give me some items.when i select one,return the value to my instruction,and close this Application.
d. chick the secend,third the same to first.
e. finish

the other:
a. Operate flexpentdant,manual mode,To Run a Application.
b. in the App ,to select function name,and some parameter ,
c. when i chick <OK> ,the app auto produced a instruction after the program point,"MyTest X,Y,Z;"
d. finish

How can I achieve it?

fransis2012-04-24 13:33:32
