Urgent Please.Only a objective type of ?s. [ArcWelding PowerPac]

Hi friends......
   In my robotic (ABB-1600ID) welding (ESAB Power Source-Mig500i & Wire Feerder-M3004W) application, I am using the Smar Tac (Wire used for Sensing)option. Our welding component is cuboid rectangular shape. Though My robot base frame's axes are very much in line with this work-object frame, I had defined the separate work-object for this component.
  I am welding this component's edges from front side only. Each edge is having "N" no. of weld stitches along one plane i.e. either X or Y- plane. Now following is my step by step procedure of commissioning this project.
  - Accurately clamped/indexed the "Reference Component (Say "A1" )" having very accurate dimensions.
  - At the start Created TORCH SERVICE STATION routine for ensuring the well cleaned Welding Gun (Abirob A500 22deg.) with "wire Stick-Out length=15mm".
  - Defined the accurate workobject frame say-"Wobj1" for "A1" with (0,0,0) at one of the four corners.
  - (ENSURING Wire Stick-Out=15mm) Smar Tac function routine created (With robtargets having workobject as "Wobj1") using "Search_1D" & "Move" Instruction. In this routine I am searching for all the four edges of the front surface of "A1" with four different "Pose Variable (E1,E2,E3 & E4 )" for each edge. Both the robtargets in "Search_1D" instruction, viz. 1. SearchPoint & 2. StartPoint, are at the center of each edge & are accurately in line with each other along either "X" or "Y" axis of the "Wobj1" of "A1". For this REFERENCE COMPONENT "A1" I HAVE JOGED THE ROBOT SO THAT, the robtarget for the "SearchPoint" in "Search_1D" instruction slightly touches to the edge i.e. gap between the wire & edge is at the most "0 (ZERO)" mm".THIS ENSURES ALL THE POSE DATA VARIABLES (E1,E2,E3 & E4)AS (0,0,0) FOR THE REFERENCE COMPONENT "A1".
  - (ENSURING Wire Stick-Out=15mm)Welding program routine created by teaching of all the "N" no. of weld stitches along all the four edges of front surface of "A1" with proper orientation. Following is the structure of the weld routine program,
        !For welding edge E1 of the components
        PDispSet E1;
        ArcLStart *, v150, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLEnd *, v300, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;
        !ENDS Edge E1 Welding

        !For welding edge E2 of the components


        PDispSet E2;

        ArcLStart *, v150, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, v300, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;



        !ENDS Edge E2 Welding


        !For welding edge E3 of the components


        PDispSet E3;

        ArcLStart *, v150, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, v300, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;



        !ENDS Edge E3 Welding


        !For welding edge E4 of the components


        PDispSet E4;

        ArcLStart *, v150, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, v300, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLStart *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        ArcLEnd *, S61, seam1, weld1, fine, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;

        MoveL *, S61, z200, tBinzelAbirobA500WObj:=Wobj1;



        !ENDS Edge E4 Welding

  - Lastly created "Declamp" Routine after completion of the all the routines in above given sequence.
 NOTE:-1.Assume that all other components e.g. A2,A3,A4.....etc., are having the variation of dimension of about 1-5mm along "X" or "Y" of "Wobj1" of REFERENCE COMPONENT "A1" & (0,0,0) of "Wobj1" matches exactly for all A1,A2,A3...etc.
             2.Also assume that the clamping/indexing variation is of about 1-5mm along "X" or "Y" of "Wobj1" of REFERENCE COMPONENT "A1".
Q1. As my "Wobj1" & Robot Base Frame Matching very much, is it necessary to define separate "Wobj1"?
Q2. If my component clamping/indexing fixture's OR component's dimension accuracy varies between "1-3 mm" along "X" OR "Y" of the "Wobj1" of components. Then, is it required to modify the "Workobject" EVERY TIME? (Note:- Before answering pls. go through the sample structure of the welding program given above)

My answers for
Q1.- NO. If "Wobj1" is not defined the all the robtargets teaching should be with respect to the Robot Base Co-ordinate Frame.
Q2.- NO. As "Smar Tac" Routine's robtargets
teaching is done with respect to the "Wobj1" workobject frame & see the sample structure of the welding program given above.

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Thanks to ALL Friends

vishalpatil822012-04-30 09:51:15
vishalpatil3.82@gmail.com OR