RobotStudio event

PC SDK App Deployment - Best Practice

Hi there,

we have got a few questions regarding deployment of PC SDK applications, which made me realize that we have not really described the best practices in the documentation.


Here is an attempt to describe it. Tell me what you think, and after some refinement we will write a topic and publish it on Developer Center.


PC SDK Application Deployment  - Best Practise


When you build a PC SDK stand alone executable (not a RobotStudio Add-In), and want to deploy it to the end users computer, you must ensure that all necessary dependencies are also deployed.

Your application will not function without those dependencies.

If RobotStudio and the PC SDK are already installed on the end users computer, the required assemblies may already be in place, but your application installer should not rely on that.

To make sure that the PC SDK assemblies are deployed, include the merge module ABBControllerAPI.msm in your setup project. The merge module can be found in the folder ABB Industrial ITRobotics ITSDKPC SDK 5.14Redistributable.
As an alternative you can include the individual assembly files and deploy them in the same folder as your executable.

To make sure that Robot Communication Runtime is deployed, inform the end user to install it. A complete installer which you can distribute together with your application can be found in the folder, ABB Industrial ITRobotics ITSDKPC SDK 5.14Redistributable.
Note 1: Deploy the same versions as your application was built with

It is a requirement of the.NET Common Language Runtime that the exact same version of the referenced assemblies, as your application was built with, are available on the target computer.
For example if your application was built with ABB.Robotics.Controller.dll version 5.14.1032, the exact same version of this assembly must be deployed to the end users computer.

Note 2: Getting older versions of the PC SDK assemblies and

Previous versions of the PC SDK assemblies, and ABBControllerAPI.msm can be downloaded from Skoglund2012-04-27 18:53:26

Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
ABB Robotics

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