RobotStudio event

Convert program from IRB6400M94 and M96 to IRC5

We have to exchange two old robots  : on IRB6400M94 an one IRB6400M96 with IRB 6640 IRC5.
First of all how can I get the programm and al system settings out of the old controllers?
Second, is all code directly transformable to IRC5 code, or are there instructions that are different?


  • Hi,

    To get the program out save it to a floppy disk from the Teach Pendant.

    The configuration files can also be saved from the TeachPendant - use the save all option.


    As a general rule the RAPID program should work as is (there are only a few commands that have changed).


    The configuration files are different in particular the EIO which is the inputs and outputs.

    There is a conversion tool that you should be able to get from your local ABB or you can set the I/O up from sctatch (which may be easier in the long run).


    Hope this helps
