RobotStudio event

Scroll Bars

On the Teach Pendant, if you select "Control Panel", you get two ghost scroll bars to the right which allow you to scroll the window for more selections.  Is there a way to implement these scroll bars with the SDK?
Tommy Thompson - Propack


  • RussD

    The scroll bars you mentioned are part of the ListView control in FlexPendant SDK.

    When you create a ListView object, if you set the Scrollable property, the scroll bar will appear automatically when the ListView's Items collection has more members than can be displayed in the control's viewable area. The scroll controls are not visible until they are needed.

    Russell Drown
  • TommyT
    I have 20 items in my ListView but only the first 10 items are visible.  I set Scrollable to True (even though MS documentation says it is default True).  I still see no Scroll bars.  Does anything else need to be set?  Does there need to be code to handle selection of items before the Scroll Bars are visible?
    Tommy Thompson - Propack
  • RussD

    Which ListView control are you using? the Compact Framework or FlexPendant SDK?

    The following snippet applies to using the FPSDK ListView:

    Friend WithEvents lstSched As ListView

    Me.lstSched = New ListView 'not System.Windows.Forms.ListView

    Me.lstSched.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 32)
    Me.lstSched.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(440, 192)
    Me.lstSched.SelectionEnabledOverScrollbuttons = False
    Me.lstSched.Font = TpsFont.Font10b
    Me.lstSched.ItemHeigth = 20

    With these settings, I don't have to do anything other than add items into the ListView's Items collection to get the Scroll controls to appear.

    Russell Drown
  • TommyT

    My declaration is the following:

    Friend WithEvents ListView1 As ABB.Robotics.Tps.Windows.Forms.ListView

    The documenation says to use the Frame Work ListView and then just before compiling and testing switch

    System.Windows.Forms to



    Tommy Thompson - Propack
  • TommyT


    I was able to use your sample of code and get it to work.  I think the user guide should have a little more than just use the Compact frame work and then change the class name.


    Thanks for the Help!

    Tommy Thompson - Propack
  • RussD

    I don't use any of the tricks to simulate design-view support, so I can't help you there. The syntax I used earlier is directly out of my working code. I have enough of a codebase that I simply copy and paste new objects into my project when I need them, rather than trying to use the design-view tricks.

    Note: true design view support within VS 2005 is expected in 5.08 FPSDK.

    Before you build your application, you need to go into the code page of your class, in the area noted as follows:

    #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

    and change everything related to your ListView control from System.Windows.Forms.ListView to ABB.Robotics.Tps.Windows.Forms.Listview (or simply to ListView, if you have the appropriate Imports or Using statements at the top of your class. For example, Imports ABB.Robotics.Tps.Windows.Forms.)

    You may want to use the Search Function to ensure that you locate every statement referring to the ListView.

    I would recommend that you comment out any additional Properties that might exist in your code courtesy of the Form Designer and use EXACTLY the ones I specified earlier. These are enough to declare a working FPSDK ListView using no columns.

    Note that, as with all FPSDK controls, you must manually dispose of the Object when you have finished using it.


    Russell Drown