

where do I get RobotLoad? The links in the documentation do not work, and the search function of the site only takes me to more PDF documents with the same links, but not to RobotLoad. Where can I find it?


All the best,


  • Hi,

    I assume that you mean the datatype loaddata. Loaddata is descriped in the Rapid reference manual.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • No, in the manual it is talked about an application called RobotLoad where I can calculate loaddata. It's described in product specifications IRB 1600.

    Sorry, in German:

    Verwenden Sie f?r ein pr?zises Lastdiagramm das Berechnungsprogramm

    ABB RobotLoad - IRB 1600 unter:, klicken Sie auf Products --->Robots --->IRB 1600 oder, klicken Sie auf Product range---> Robots

    ---> IRB 1600.

    Vorraussetzung f?r diese Anwendung ist Microsoft.NET Framework und Microsoft

    Excel 9.0.


    Is there any other way or app to calculate loaddata without using the service routine (which is difficult to use when the tool nor the robot is not existing yet)?

    All the best,

    All the best,
  • Lohengrin,

    I managed to download the files from this page:


    Johannes Weiman38761,5988425926
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Johannes,

    I cannot get a connection to, are you sure that this is not the ABB intranet? Thanks for your help!

    All the best,
  • Yes, sorry about that. I've emailed Robotics' product support asking them whether RobotLoad is accessible to external users.

    For now, I've attached the RobotLoad manual so you can at least see if it does what you want :)
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks, Johannes, that's a good help for now! So RobotLoad is exactly what I need.

    When constructing a cell it would be good to have RobotLoad to get valuable loaddata until getting the hands on real world robot. Also while implementing in the field it is also good not to have the need to get appropriate loaddata with the service routine, because this takes time (around 30 min per robot as I experienced), and mostly you don't have this time, because the customer like to see the robots running. I just implemented 3 robots in a cell and didn't had loaddata and no time to shuttle the robots, so I estimated the loaddata which worked fine for a low speed, but not for 100% and of course it was not too good for the drives. Not until everything was running well I found the time to determine appropriate loaddata with the service routine, but that was actually too late. So this is the reason why I request RobotLoad to be able to get this data in advance.

    Also from other robot manufacturers there are similar apps freely available (like KukaLoad, etc.).


    All the best,