RobotStudio event

Diffrence between running simulation from FP

I have found out tha if i run my simulation from the play button on the FP my duration in SC Jointmover don't work but if i run it from play button in simulation menu it works.
How come?
Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • It is because the Smart Components must be fed with virtual time. RobotStudio's internal simulation clock will feed alla the simulation objects (such as controllers and smart components) with virtual time when you have started a RobotStudio simulation by pressing the 'Simulation Play' button. If you start the program from the VFP, the controller runs independently of RobotStudio, and the smart components will not get any 'time' to run.

    Henrik Berlin2012-06-18 14:08:43
    Henrik Berlin
  • If you want your Smart component to run when using the FP, then go to simulation tab, simulation setup, simlation scenarios tab, and uncheck the virtual controller.

    Then you can play the simulation from the button but the robot will not start until you play your program from the FP.


    This should be used when Smart components use time Wink