RobotStudio event

Mixing Robot studio versions

I have a general problem using the ABB Robotics software - hopefully someone at ABB can clarify some issues.

I sometimes need to jump between various RobotStudio versions ( Actually only the .dll's that are beeing used from .NET) on a physical machine - and this is not working without reinstalling RS ( and perhaps robotware )

If I have 5.14 installed then I can't use the project prensently linked to 5.14.3070 and vice versa.

This is from the latest "problem"
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Filen eller assemblyen 'ABB.Robotics.Controllers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1da709b7d1f14b7b' eller en af dens afhA?ngigheder kunne ikke indlA?ses. Den angivne fil blev ikke fundet.
Filnavn: 'ABB.Robotics.Controllers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1da709b7d1f14b7b'

Is there any way to have a config that allows me to have mixed versions on one machine or is there another setup I should consider - for example creating a new custom dll for each robot studio version...

I am looking for advice on how to accomplish this - is it at all possible? Perhaps the dll's from ABB are bound to a specific robotware in the actual physical controller?

Yours sincerely


  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Hi Laro.
    I had same problem when upgrading from 5.14.02 to 03.
    Remove the refrence in your project and add the new. be sure that the new refrence is version 5.14.03
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn