Create Path from Curve problem

I have a beginners question. I made a simple station with a robot and a tool attached. Then I imported a track and used it to get a curve. From this curve I made a Path, connected this path to a start point.

The problem is that the points (RobTargets) is missing  the Configuration and when I open the Configuration Tool in the Elements menu there is no configurations to choose... If I jog the robot and use the Teach function there is no problem, but I would prefer to get the "Create Path from Curve" to work?


Urban Vikblom


  • Hi Urban,

    Do the generated targets have the same orientation (rotation) as the ones you teached? If not, you might have to rotate the targets for the robot to be able to reach them.

    You can use the reachability tool to check this. If a target turns yellow, the point is reachable but the orientation must be adjusted.

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks, now it works (twisted, but works).

    Do  you know a good way to modify all points in the curve or is the only way to rotate each individual point one at the time?


    Urban Vikblom
  • Yes, you can multiselect several targets and modify them all at the same time. (Tip: right-click the path and select "Locate Target".)

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks Johannes,

    I appreciate your help.


    Urban Vikblom