RobotStudio event

Prevent Collision with Wall Geometry

I would like to use my wall geometry to teach the robot that there's an obstruction there and limit it's travel.  That way, an unskilled operator wouldn't be able to crash into the walls down the road.  Is there a way to do this in RobotStudio?  Thanks!



  • you can use the option worldzones (608-1)

    you can read about is on the manual-CD under:

    > application manuals > RobotWare Options > Motion Functions and Events (chapter one)

    With worldzones you can define zones that can be monitored eithe inside or outside the defined zone. This zone can be a square, a sphere or a cilinder. 

    here is an example of defining a maximum work area:

    VAR wzstationary Max_Workarea;

    PROC Activate_Max_Workarea()

    VAR shapedata volume;
    CONST pos p1 := [-1000, -1000, 0];
    CONST pos p2 := [1000, 1000, 1000];

    !Define a around the box between the corners p1 and p2
    WZBoxDef Outside, volume, p1, p2;

    !Define and enable supervision of the box
    WZLimSup Stat, 
    Max_Workarea , volume;

    The Netherlands
  • Wow!  Thanks for the help!  World Zones are exactly what I was looking for.  I can't explain how much help you've been.  Thanks for your reply!   