RobotStudio event

gsd file for irc 5 for profibus communication

    i am newbie in field of robotics,presently i am working on webwiz/5681/ interfacing of IRC5-M2004 robotic controller with siemens s7-315-2DP PLC by Profibus communication.i found that GSD file in product CD,while installing GSD it shows 'SYNTAX ERROR' for all six GSD files.i have attached snap shots for your reference.friends please give your valid support for the communication.i need working GSD file for I/O configuration.

thank you,


  • Moved to hardware forum

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hello Balachandar,

    Check your logs in the Siemens system.  The GSD files work fine in many other PLC programming tools so I would suspect something is not quiet set up correctly in your programming tool.


    Kind Regards,

