RobotStudio event


Dear All,

I've connecting 1 encoder to 2 outputs. 1 for robot and 1 for PLC. As long as I know, i think there's no problem with it. But, can somebody share with me, is it secure or no ( to long periode usage)? 

The things that I worry is about the current. With paralleling output, the current will be decrease. Or there's something else that I must notice?

Thank you very much



  • Dear Majid

            Yes, you're alright, Encoder which connect to ABB must PNP and this Encoder type need 24VDC. Here are my experiences using Encoder on ABB Robot :
    1. Connecting 1 Encoder to 1 Robot and 1 PLC (NPN):
        No problem with some conditions :
        - I choose a low voltage Encoder (5 VDC)
        - I use converter (PNP to NPN and also 5VDC to 24VDC), It is caused my PLC need 24VDC and NPN

    2. Connecting 1 Encoder to 2 Robots :
        Until today I have no problem both using 5VDC Encoder-PNP and 24VDC-PNP for Conveyor Tracking purpose.

    I hope It will help


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