Digital Input overflow


When attempting to restore a "real" robots program/parameters in the VC/QuickTeach - we get the following error:Cry

1.  71015 Error: Digital Input overflow 0122 16:33.17
- Number of digital input channels
  for board Scanner is greater
  than 200

This error DOES NOT OCCUR on the real robot, just in the VC.

Seems that something is not correct in the VC's implimentation of IOPLUS option.

Because witrh IOPLUS, you can define more than 200 input channels with devicenet CAN2 - see backup for gsd file.Angry

How can we make this work on the VC image



Back-up and VC's error log attached:

VC:Setup program(s)

Prepared selection(s):
583 System Pack 4.0
Selection(s) setup from 3HAC6811-1.80
512 BaseWare OS
611 English
IRB type 7600
7600/2.3-500 M2000
No Ext Axes
534 FactoryWare Interface
530 Advanced Functions
541 LoadId and ColDetect
532 Multitasking
538 IO Plus

Loaded key(s)
criaaAjh4bbbbbQ  (RW signature 12)

Thomas J38008,9998611111
Thomas H. Johnston
PACs Application Engineer


  • Dear Thomas J,

    We have found an error in the virtual controller regarding signals with signal number >200. This is already solved and the solution will be included in RW 4.0.100 that will be released week 11, 2004.

    For external users please contact your local ABB to get hold of the new version.

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer


  • Hello Ulrika!

    Here is another example of the input overflow problem with a 3.0 VC

    The customer writes:

    Hi Tom!
    Here is my EIO file that will load into my robot controller, but not into
    the Robot Studio's virtual controller baseware 3.0.
    Dwayne Huston
    Electrical Engineer
    Thomas H. Johnston
    PACs Application Engineer
  • Dear Thomas J,

    The solution mentioned above includes both Input and Output overflow, for VitrualController 4.0.

    The "virtual support" for 3.0 VC is limited and that VC is to be used as is.

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer