Rapid Data - user.sys file

In the connection to RapidData you must pass the Task, Module, and persistent parameter.  Each task has a user.sys file.  Is there a way to point to the user.sys file assoicated with the task instead of the module name?
Tommy Thompson - Propack


  • Does the following not work (where "myVar" is some PERS atomic type in user.sys and ctrl is a reference to a controller object)?
    Dim rd As RapidDomain.RapidData
    Dim str1 as string
    rd = ctrl.Rapid.GetRapidData("T_ROB1", "user", "myVar")
    str1 = rd.ToString()
    As far as I know, any module that is not hidden or protected in some way should be accessible by using its name, which should be the same as its filename. Am I missing something here?
    RussD2006-3-9 15:5:32
    Russell Drown
  • Thanks Russ.  It worked!  I guess if you use "user" for the module name then you can put the persistent data in the user.sys file.  Thanks for the help!
    Tommy Thompson - Propack