RobotStudio event

conveyor tracking without PM3

Hello, I'm trying to establish proper configuration for IRB 140T which should pickup objects from moving conveyor, I'm wondering is it possible to do it without PickMaster 3, since I could see that software option conveyor tracking is available only with PickMaster 3. Thanks in advance, BR.


  • Hello,
    Yes you can use conveyor tracking without PM3.
    Select the option "606-1 Conveyor Tracking":
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks for your fast answer, but I got this from PM3 manual, it looks like I cannot connect encoder to interface unit and read it without PM3. Or maybe I'm mistaking.

    4.2.2 Hardware options
    Encoder Interface Unit for PickMaster (internal/external)
    For each conveyor connected to the robot controller, one encoder board for PickMaster is required. This
    option is only software supported together with PickMaster

  • There should be an encoder unit you can use without PickMaster. But I'm not an expert in this, so I recommend you to contact your local ABB office for more support in what hardware you need.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks again, I' found necessary combination, encoder interface unit, device net and conveyor tracking RW option.