RobotStudio event

Display "User" Error on FP


I have the following question. I want to write on error on the FP at the same way as the error screen from ABB. (Errornumber, Description, Concequenses and Action) I tried a few Rapid instruction as UIMessageBox, Errorwrite (with xmlfile TextTabInstall) All these instructions are limited for example:


-Max.Layout space 9 lines with 40 characters. (The screen is 80 !!)

-The screen will not override other screens when a error occures.

-I use this by filling a string of 9 arrays from a text file.


-Read xml file. Use errwrite in combination with ErrWrite TextGet(text_res_no, 1),TextGet(text_res_no, 2); Only a "Header and a Discription" is possible. The maximum number of characters is now 80 and the number of lines is only 2.

Can someone help me to create/use the same errorbox as ABB. I want to give the operator more information.

Best Regard,


PS: I want to attach my created sreens but the "Upload"  attachement does not work.


  • Hi,

           I think you can only use the limited characters available to display the error message.