RobotStudio event

IRC5 not seen by NetworkScanner.Scan()

Hello my fellow Roboticists!

I am using an IRB120 with IRC5 Compact running Robot Ware 5.13 and the SDK.

The problem is the following: RobotStudio and my application cannot see an IRC5 connected to the same network, i.e., NetworkScanner.Scan() returns zero elements. 
However, once I have connected to the IRC5 by manually entering the IP address, the controller will be recognized by NetworkScanner.Scan() the next time!

Does anybody have an idea how to get the IRC5 to advertise itself right from the start, such that NetworkScanner.Scan(); can find it?

Thanks a bunch.

Best, CA


  • Hi CaptainAwesome,
    Usually this is due to the Networkscanner only scanning in the local subnet of the PC. So check if the PC and the controller is on the same subnet or not.
    If its the case of different subnets then you can either add code to add that specific IP at startup. Or if you are brave there are some files that you can edit that creates such a list for the startup of the networkscanner. (Open and read the template files in Program
    FilesCommon FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobAPI folder
    Also some router settings can interfere with the UDP broadcasts from the controller that lets the networkscanner find them.
    Same thing if there are blockers on the ports (5512-5513-5514) doing the broadcasts.
  • Thank you for your detailed advice John. I was not brave and read the IP from an user input now. :-D
    The UDP broadcast hint is great, if we isolate the robot net from the company intranet, that might come in handy. Thanks.