SDK 5.07 Do Not use FillFromString?

Straight from the SDK 5.07 release notes:

Compatibility with FlexPendant SDK 5.06:
? FlexPendant SDK 5.07 is not compatible with 5.06. You need to rebuild your
5.06 application.
? ArrayData type has changed from struct to class. The type definition is also
moved from
ABB.Robotics.dll to ABB.Robotics.Controllers.dll.
Dont use FIllFromString When you create a rapid data
? GrantDemandRejectedException is replaced by MasterRejectException
"Don't use FillFromString when you create a rapid data"
What should I use in place of FillFromString?  The following is working code in 5.06:
Dim temp_num As Num
EditButton.Text = textbox1.Text
rd = ctrl.Rapid.GetRapidData("T_INF", "User", recipe_parameter)
If rd Is Nothing Then
     Throw New Exception("Rapid Access Error reading variable")
     rd.Value = temp_num
End If
Tommy Thompson - Propack


  • Try this:

    Dim rd As RapidDomain.RapidData
    Dim iRD As IRapidData
    Dim txt1 As New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

    iRD = rd.Value()
    Dim iNum As Num = CType(iRD, Num)
    Dim intVal As Integer = CType(Val(txt1.Text), Integer)
    rd.Value = iNum

    Russell Drown
  • The Robot Application Builder-FlexPendant SDK User's Guide still instructs us to use the FillFromString method. Can someone from ABB please provide an explanation as to why the Release Notes are not reccommending the use of FillFromString? Is there currently a problem with its functionality or is it just going to be obsoleted in the future? I am using FillFromString a lot in my code and I would like to know how it is going to affect me. Thanks......Debbie
  • The note in the readme file only refers to the ArrayData type.

    You should not use FillFromString of ArrayData, but it's OK to use it for other types. I'm sorry for the confusion.
