Uploading system from real robot into RS5


I have created some systems for use in real robots, with RW5.07.0153, which I want to run in Robotstudio 5.07 as well. I have installed the RS5.07, which includes RW5.07.0153, I placed the AW setup disk also in the mediapool, and try to add the system to my RS station (empty station). The VC starts for a while, but then gives an error (there was a problem starting the virtual controller). I tried this with several systems, including one that doesn't use an AW setup disk.

Is there a way to make this work?

jan-jaap2006-3-22 12:7:14
:) Regards,


  • Hi
    There shouldn't be any problem doing that.
    If you send me your kxt files and mediapool I will try it here
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products