VIRC5.07 and Visual Studio 2005??!


We are developping FlexPendant applications using Visual Studio 2005. As stated in RAB 5.07, we replace the files in VCBIN with the ones in VCBIN2 to have a compatible Virtual GTPU.

Without adding any GTPU application in the system, after having patched the vcbin we have the following error when starting the virtual GTPU.

For your info, the same setup with patching in RS5.07 works fine, what couled be the difference for Virtual IRC5?

Thanks in advance for help and Best Regards



  • I've seen similar problems to this one as well, I get a "BadImageFormatException" when the Virtual FlexPendant starts. It is trying to load an FPSDK assembly built with 5.07.0153 that runs fine on the physical controller...anybody have any suggestions?

    Here is the exception text:

    Russell Drown

  • Russell and labu,

    Please extract this file to your VirtualIRC5Bin directory and it should work.


    Johannes Weiman2006-4-5 17:5:0
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks Johannes,

    Your fix appears to work.

    FYI, I needed to restart my PC before it took affect, but I assume that some process(es) like RobVC were probably running in the background that I could have tried shutting down instead.

    Russell Drown