RS 5.15 Parameter Load and UIListView in 100%


in RS 5.15 I found two things no longer working wich I used often in RS 5.14.



If I try to load parameter files to a controller, the popup window to select wether the parameters should be overwirtten or added is missing. I just can delete the existing parameter file and load the new one. But I often want to add some new in/outputs without deleting the existing eio.cfg.



It is no longer possible to use the UIListView instruction in Manual Full Speed Mode. I use this to examine cycle times during offline simulation. I can understand this is changed cause of possible dangers at real robot controllers, but isn't it possible to allow this on virtual controllers?


Thanks for your replies.



  • [QUOTE]1. If I try to load parameter files to a controller, the popup window to select wether the parameters should be overwirtten or added is missing. I just can delete the existing parameter file and load the new one. But I often want to add some new in/outputs without deleting the existing eio.cfg.[/QUOTE]The options are still available but have been moved to the bottom of the Open dialog.

    [QUOTE]2. It is no longer possible to use the UIListView instruction in Manual Full Speed Mode. I use this to examine cycle times during offline simulation. I can understand this is changed cause of possible dangers at real robot controllers, but isn't it possible to allow this on virtual controllers?[/QUOTE]There have been changes to the Manual Full Speed mode in RobotWare 5.15, see below. The behaviour of the VC is the same as the RC. If you want the old behaviour, use a RobotWare system based on RobotWare or earlier. You can still use it with RobotStudio 5.15

    From Release Notes RobotWare 5.15:
    Manual Full Speed
    The new ISO 10218-1:2011, see reference [1] (replacing the older ISO 10218-1:2008) was given the
    status of Swedish Standard in January 2012.
    Chapter 5.7.4 now states that Manual High Speed is to be used for "Programme verification only".
    To comply with the new standard, only the following set commands will be allowed:
    Start program execution, including:
    - Setting Run Mode to Single Cycle or Continuous
    - Setting Speed to 0 ?_" 100%
    (The speed is always set to 3% when the Enable Device button is pressed)
    Step program execution, including
    - Setting of Step Mode to Step Into, Step Out, Step Over and Next Move Instruction
    Stop program execution
    Setting of program pointer (Debug view):
    - PP to Main
    - PP to Routine
    - PP to Cursor
    - Call Routine (Service Routine)
    - Cancel Call Routine (Cancel Service Routine)
    - Check program
    Set of I/O signals
    Simulation of I/O signals
    Use of some System inputs
    - All actions with Stop functionality
    - MotorOff
    - AckAutoMode (internal)
    - SafeMoveConfirmStop (internal)
    - LimitSpeed
    Use of System outputs
    Modify of Task Selection Panel settings
    Restart of the system
    Examples on functionality removed/blocked compared to RW5.14.03 in MANFS mode:
    Load, Save or Edit of RAPID program
    Modify of Program Data
    Use of System input signals
    - Except the ones specified above
    Modify of CFG parameter settings

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi Henrik,

    thanks for your reply. Next time I try to open my eyes Smile

    "If you want the old behaviour, use a RobotWare system based on RobotWare or earlier."
    But if I use older RobotWares, I cannot use other (future) improvements you make. So this is not a solution for future. Isn't it possible, to insert an option to select the behavior of full speed mode in RS 5.16?


  • You can use RobotStudio 5.15 with RobotWare (and earlier versions).

    Unfortunately, we will not be able to introduce a different behavior for manual full speed in the VC.

    Just for my curiosity; how do you use UiListView to evaluate cycle times?

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi Henrik,

    in manual full speed I use UIListView to simulate the part type selection (in auto done by PLC). After pushing the OK button of UIListView the robot main cycle starts and after finishing, I can read out my stopwatch. This was a very convenient way so far.


    I know that I can use earlier versions of RobotWare, but I don't want to. Because sometimes you improve things, i.e. UIListView (I think in RS5.11 this was introduced).


    To solve my problem:

    How about an add on, wich gives me a switch to select the operation mode with just one click. At the moment, at the virtual TP, I have to click to switch off enable, click to get key switch, click to change operation mode to manual mode, click to enable, click OK in the UIListView, click to switch off enable, click to get key switch, click to change operation mode to manual full speed, click OK to accept the warning, click to enable, click to open speed menu, click to get 100%. These are 11 clicks instead of 1 before!Cry


    Thanks for your patience! Wink



    Zulumike2012-11-08 13:35:55
  • Thank you very much RS-Team!!!

    Since V5.61 the UI-List view works again in manual 100% mode :-)