RobotStudio event

Editor not working over ethernet?

I got the following problem:
I open RS 5.15 and connect to a controller over ethernet.
Then I try to open a Rapid-Module by double-klicking on it.
The Editor will not open. I get the following message in the output-tab:
"RAPID-Editor: Unknown error (0XC0040FFE)"
It will work when the controller is connected over the service-port.
With RS 5.14 it works both ways.
Is this intended behavior of the new version or a bug?


  • Hi Michael,
    I would recommend you to get in touch with ABB that can forward your issue to our tech support. Please get in touch with you ABB Robotics Service contact (see
    Henrik Berlin

  • Hallo!
    I've contacted ABB Germany in Friedberg.
    Together we figured out, that it only depends on the RobotWare-Version.
    With RW 5.06 it's not working. Higher Versions are OK.
    (Seems I tested it always on the same controller...Embarrassed)
    I was told, that with 5.06 it should not work with RS 5.14 either.
    But it works. I've sent a screenshot to proof it. Now they will check
    why this works.
    We only have 3 controllers with 5.06., so it's not a big problem.
    Michael Kobbeloer