RobotStudio event

WebServer in RAPID for IRC5

RAPID WebServer 1.1:

A sample HTTP 1.1 webserver for IRC5 controllers written in RAPID can be found at the RobotApps site:


If you have a controller with Multitasking and PC SDK, then you can use one background task to deliver HTML pages to your webbrowser.


The web server has active content, in that upon requesting a page, it can run RAPID code to generate the HTML response, which can be used to get the status of the controller, elog, I/O, and any globally shared RAPID variables.


Many devices in a robot cell have web servers and it can be useful to product a "dashboard" of the entire cell including the robot.  As delivered, the IRC5 does not have web server interface, but as shown the sample code, it is possible to add one.


This is a simple single background task server with limitations on mutiple connections.  If there is a good interest, it can be re-written to use 2 background tasks and be much more responsive.


Check it out and send your comments!

