RobotStudio event

inaccuracy of robots

Dear Experts,

At the beginning I would like to quickly describe our system. We use two FlexPicker robots with PickMaster 3 software and we have 6 conveyors.

Our problem is imprecision to pick and place (sometimes robot misses the pick of an element for 3-4 mm).

We have checked the conveyors, tools, vision system and everything looked ok.


The distance for conveyors is in tolerance -0.1/+0.1 mm (we compared controler measured distance with manually measured distance. We did the measurements many times and also with different measurement devices).

The speed of conveyors is very low (max:0.2m/s) and the elements on conveyors do not drift.


The tool is configured very precisely. We use snipey tool to check the reorientation and we can say, that the end effector (end of tool) is in place when we rotate the tool around z-axis.

Vision system:

We also checked the vision system. If we look a recognition analyzer (double click on picksource in running mode) in PM3 we can see a very good recognition (deviation for 1mm from teaching point)

We also tried with different speeds, accelerations and ramps settings for the robot. Current settings are:




Where else could be a problem? Should anything else be set?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
