RobotStudio event

Setting up World Zones for IRC5

Hi All,

I'm having a terrible time setting up world zones for two new IRC5 6600.

I have set up world zones before on M98 S4C's. I want to setup a sphere
around my home position and a box around the work pieces. I have used
the WZSphDef and WZDOSet commands for the home position to no avail.

Here is the actual code.

    WZSphDefInside, shHome, Home.trans, nRadHome;

    WZDOSetTemp, wzhomeInside, shHome, R1_Home, 1;

This code is in  PROC wz_PowerOn() which is in user.sys.

I have attempted to set-up wz_PowerOn as an event routine that runs in
the background, but I don't know if I am being successful.

We are getting close to crunch time (naturally), and I am at the end of my rope.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

i_robot2006-4-2 2:52:39


  • Hello,

    You probably forgotten one thing, I gess.

    When you create a world zone, you need to connect the routine to an  event, such as POWER ON, START...

    You can make it in system parameters, SYS.cfg.

    Here is an example..


    * World Zone routine*

      PROC rHomePos()

    ** SYS.CFG **


          -Routine "rHomePos" -Shelf "POWER_ON" -Task "T_ROB1"




  • Thanks, but I had that right. My mistake was that in the wztemporary
    and wzstationary datatypes I had the exact same zones names. This
    generated an error upon start-up and completely threw me off.