Configuration problems for IRB6600

Dear User,

We have detected a problem with configurations for the IRB6600 in RobotStudio 5.07. This problem might cause the commands "Configuration" and "Jump to Target" to fail (although you know that there is a configuration).

The attached file will solve this error.

Extract the file (LgVCHelper.dll) and place it in C:Program FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioBin (might be a somewhat different path if you are running a local version of the OS). You should overwrite the existing file. You might need to change the permissions on the current file to be able to overwrite it.
Kind Regards
Fredrik Syr?n2006-4-5 16:56:16
Fredrik Syr?n
Program Manager
ABB Automation Technologies


  • Hi Fredrik,

    thanks for the file, this helps so far, but the issue still remains, be it in a matter where a workaround is possible for now.

    When jumping to a target I get the error "Jump failed. The stored configuration [0,-1,0,0] is not valid." I can call the "Jump to Move Instruction" only in Paths, where I also only can call "Modify Position", which I use heavily.

    So "Jump to Move Instruction" in "Paths" f**ks the config, but with your new dll I can go to "Workobjects & Targets" and change the target config back to a proper one. This is not too handy, but works for now.

    The "Execute Move Instruction" works properly in "Paths", but if you switch to "View Robot at Target" and change the target in "Paths" by clicking a different one, nothing happens.

    In "Workobjects & Targets" "Jump To Target" works properly, so does "View Robot At Target" and clicking to different targets.

    So knowing where to do what is the workaround for this issue right now. Hope this helps.

    I wonder why "Modify Position" is not also possible in "Workobjects & Targets"; is this such a big matter to allow it in both places? And when we talk about this: I'd like to have a button in the toolbar for that, calling it through the popup menu takes two mouseclicks instead of one, and when optimizing paths I use this, as I stated above, heavily. The space-eating button "Modeling Mode" can be gone for that; I would never switch permanently to modelling mode and back, but would model first and then teach targets.

    All the best,
    Lohengrin2006-4-6 22:19:58
    All the best,
  • Hi Lohengrin,

    The difference between "Jump to Target" and "Jump to Move Instruction" is the following:

    Jump to Target: The active tool in the Element Toolbar is used.
    Jump to Move Instruction: The tool specified in the instructions is used.

    Kowing this I can't reproduce your problems.
    - View Robot at targets works also for Move Instructions
    - Nothing happens with the config

    I will take the "Modify Position" (ModPos) problem into consideration. Agree with your comments.

    Kind Regards

    Fredrik Syr?n
    Program Manager
    ABB Automation Technologies

  • Hi Fredrik,

    ok, I just did the following in my station one minute ago: I selected a Move Instruction and clicked on Configurations. I got an "empty" config dialog showing only the Previous values of the config of this target, but no Current and no configs to select. The icon of the instruction got this little red stop sign.

    Then I got to "Workobjects & Targets", selected the target which is called in the MoveInstr and clicked on Configurations. I get a proper dialog with all available configs to select, and the Previous and Current show the right contents. I was able to select the Current config again and could apply it, and the stop sign in the icon of the MoveInstr disappeared, so everything is ok again. This does not work when opening the config dialog for the first time after losing the config, because the apply button is greyed out after selecting a config. When closing the dialog and reopening it and selecting the config, then it can be applied.

    When I click on Jump To MoveInstr then the icon gets the stop sign and the config is lost, but can be get back as I described above.

    I can't tell you anything different, this is how it works here.

    Once again I have to note that I attached a Component Group to the robot and I did this several times to test different tool configurations. This means I attached and detached at least three different tools to this robot and ran into this config problems again. At times I wasn't able to jog linear, but this disappeared again when I detached the tool and attached it again; always as a Component Group. Maybe this has something to do with it.

    Hope this helps.

    All the best,
    Lohengrin2006-4-7 16:5:1
    All the best,
  • Hmm, I just tested auto confgiuration, which is very cool, but it also seems to fix the above described problem when running once over the path. All works perfect after this concerning the above issues. Just to let you know.
    All the best,