RobotStudio event

ABB flexpicker: flexpendant viewer timeout

Hello all,
Last week i updated my abb flexpicker software. First i updated my version of robotstudio to version 5.15. After this version was installed imanaged to get a flexpendant view with my current version of robotware. After this i decided to update my robotware to version 5.15. Since i have done this update it's impossible for me to get a flexpendant view. The message that i get is: "FlexPendant capture timeout [2]". I have looked in the ABB manuals but with no results.
Any solutions for my problems ?
Thanks in advance
Kenny Boudenoodt


  • This is a known problem with RobotWare 5.15 that will be fixed in an upcoming sub-revision that is due in Feb 2013.
    Henrik Berlin