How to use I/O-Sim?


when I click on a input signal in I/O-Simulator to change its state, I get the msg: "Failed to set value for signal di1Signal, check access rights". When I change the signal in VFP to simulated, it gets greyed out in the I/O-Simulator.

So how can I change signals in I/O-Sim during simulation?

Unfortunately there is documentation on this access right stuff available in the online help or the pdf-handbook to 5.0.7.

All the best,

All the best,


  • Hi,

    I think the problem might be how the signal is configured in the system:

    Open the system in RobotStudioOnline (can be done from the program menu in RobotStudio)

    In RSO, create a new robotview and add the virtual controller to it.

    Request write access to the virtual controller.

    Browse the VC down to configurations and click the I/O-node. The configuration editor now opens.

    In the "Type Name"-list of the configuration editor window, select signal. All signals of the system are now displayed.

    For all signals you want to set through the I/O-simulator in RobotStudio, make sure that the Access Level is set to "ALL" (which is necessary for allowing the signal to be changed from tools external to the controller).

    If you send me your email adress, I can send you a few screen shot that shows what the signals should look like.

    Tobias Eklund
    Editor RobotStudio User Information







    Tobias Eklund2006-4-10 10:13:38
    Editor, RobotStudio User Information

  • [QUOTE=Tobias Eklund]For all signals you want to set through the I/O-simulator in RobotStudio, make sure that the Access Level is set to "ALL"

    (which is necessary for allowing the signal to be changed from tools external to the controller).[/QUOTE]

    Hi Tobias,

    thank you very much, this works perfectly, I did not thought this far that the signals will accessed externally by RS in VC, so this solution could actually have been obvious :-)
    All the best,
  • Hi,

    I have added my signals using RSO but when I change back to RobotStudio I can't access the signals in the IO-simulator. The only boards that are available is DRV_1, DRV_2 and PANEL. I have three d332 devices that I which to access but none of them are showing up, neither in IO-simulator nor in Flexpendant IO-window. However, they are listed if I choose Control Panel and then Unit on the Flexpendant, but not when I choose Inputs and Outputs and then "View IO-units".

    Any ideas?

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to change my access level on the signals but I'm not allowed. How do I change my own rights? image

  • Hi,

    Mikael, you have to restart the controller (VC in this case) for the changes in the configuration to take effect.

    garre, you need both Write access to the controller, and the UAS grant "Modify configuration" (or "Full access") to modify the configuration. If you do not have the UAS grant, you can change that with the UAS Administration Tool in RSO (further described in the RSO documentation).


    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer
  • Hello again,

    garre, are you trying to modify the predefined signals on the PANEL or DRV-units? They are for internal use by the controller safety- and drive systems, and are read-only.

    You should add your own unit, e.g., of unit type Virtual attached to the Virtual bus, and add your signals to that. Can be done either with RS-O Configuration Editor or FP (ABB Menu->Control Panel->Configuration).

    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer
  • Yep, Magnus!

    You were right about that. I proudly can say that I got it on my own. :-)   but thanks, you were on it!