
From what I've seen ModPos only works on lines of codes that have a MoveL or MoveJ or a kind of Move in it.

Sometimes in a program you have a Robtarget that is there just as a point of origine to calculate other Robtargets. And this origine Robtarget is then never use in a Move instruction. How do you ModPos it? Ex:

Newpos := Origine;

MoveL NewPos V1000, ......

I wish I could ModPos that Origine Robtarget but I can't. image

It would be nice to be able to ModPos the definition of the Robtarget directly (the first lines of code of your programs) but at the same time you can't do it because you do not have a WorkObject or Tool selected in those lines.  

I think it would be great if in the ProgData menu I would be able to ModPos any Robtarget with the help of 2 selection boxes that would ask for the Tool and Workobject to use.

What do you think?



Janin Delorme, Ing. (P.Eng)


  • In this forum we mainly discuss RobotStudio and other PC programs, but
    I will forward your request to the people who are working with the
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics