Problems with Jog Reorient


I've recently upgraded to RS 5.07.
Now I get a problem with reorienting: I create a station with only an IRB1600 and attach a PKI-500. When I try to jog linear, the system is moving in the tool frame of the PKI-500.
When I try to reorient the tool, the robot is orienting arount the origin of the world system, NOT around the tcp!?

I haven't had that effect in RS 5.06, so what's wrong or different?


Best regards,

Volker Zahn
mz robolab


  • Dear Volker,

    The reorientation will be around the reference coordinate system that you specify in the "Freehand Toolbar". This is default "World". Change this to "Active Tool"

    Kind Regards

    Fredrik Syr?n
    Program Manager
    ABB Automation Technologies