RobotStudio event

Table error

Hello there. I am experiencing some troublesome errors lately. Before I describe it - my wild guess is that one of my co-workers has tampered with INTERCHAN calibration, since these errors have never happened before. I am not able to turn the work stations, because it stops and this specific error occurs:

Any tips?

Sven2012-12-11 14:11:39


  • I think the problem is that your mate has make a calibration in a wrong place. Usually the correct calibration position of the interch, is with the station 1 face to the robots.


    Jorge2012-12-12 09:03:27
    Jorge Turiel

  • Is there any way to delete current positions in order to calibrate it now? That would do me a great turn since as I have said - I can't flip it.
  • Didn't want to spam the forum with unnecessary new threads, so here goes my question.
    I managed to operate the interchange to set it in desired position, updated rev. counters yet still it doesn't work as it should. Assuming I put it in place just where it should be is there any way to delete former MIC 21 settings and calibrate it from scratch?