

yesterday I install RobotStudio 5.07. Today I started to really use that.

But when I try to use "Configurations..." function in elements window. I wil get to Output message window "Unknown Error: Configurations". Same thing for example with "Teach Move Instruction" => "Unknown Error: Teach Move Instruction" and "Set position"... etc. image

When I Install RobotWare/RobotStudio (Repair selection) again and reboot my pc. Everything works fine little time and then same problem. Today I have done that allready two times. What to do?  image

PC: IBM ThinkPad R51

In same pc I have RS 3.2 which I have use before succesfully.

Best Regards


  • Hi Pekka,

    If it is the IRB6600 you have problem with, read the thread "Configuration problems for IRB6600".

    If it's another robot model you have problem with, I recommend that you cold start the controller (or creates a new one) and see if that helps.

    In a few weeks we will release RS 5.07.01 there the configuration functionality is improved.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics