External axes



I have installed RS 5.07 in my computer, but I want to use a positioner IRBP 500C. I want to simulate a real robot from one project, the cell have 2 robots 1400 using multimove and the positioner mention above (RW 5.06.0158). I created the system in RS Online, I use the optional disk that laxa send me of the positioner, but when the cell is load in RS do not load the positione in RS and do not show me the screen where you can select from a list the positioner I try with RW 5.06.95, 5.06.0158, 5.07.0153 and  I have the same effectConfused

Could you tell me what I need to do in order to  the postioner 500C works in RS?


Big smile



  • Hello,

    Unfortunately is not the positioner 500C available in RS 5.07. But in
    the next version (RS 5.07.01) will it be available. RS 5.07.01 is
    planned to be released in a few weeks.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics