Restarting Flexpendant

Hello Folks,



The green surfaces can flash, blink or go transparant (Grey), depending of a value read out in a record.


We have made an application for Displaying the status of the robotcel. (See Figure) After not using the FlexPendant for a while and you want to view the data menu the FlexPendant is Restart itself. The Robot is still in prodution mode, Multitasks are still running and the figure above is showed again after the Restart is finished. I have to mension that the size of the application is (gtpu.dll = 4 kb, .dll = 432 kb)

Can somebody help me with this problem?

Thanxs ....!!


  • Does the restart occur shortly (< 30 seconds) after you have pressed a button or performed some other user interface operation in your application?

    Is there any type of error dialog (not from your application) that is displayed immediately before the restart happens?

    What RobotWare version and FPSDK version are you using?

    Russell Drown
  • Yes, the restart occuring (< 30 seconds) after pressing a button (Forr example viewing data)

    There is no error occuring, but before the robot restart itself I've connected a COM cable. Here is the data. 

    ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------

    COM PORT <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    [INFO] Loss of AYA for 16, close socket


    06-04-26  17:41:32 MC0: type = STATE_CHANGE id = OPERATIONAL code = 401


    arg 0: Programmer CSI


    arg 1: FlexPendant




    91670  I Operational  10401 &n bsp;Programmer CSI logged off   2006-04-26 17:41:32  User Programmer CSI using FlexPendant logged off.

    ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------


    I'm using 5.07 for the robot and 5.07 for the FPSDK.


    I hope you can do something with this.



  • I am a little confused about your console output and log message.This appears to be the normal messages that occur when a user logs off from the FlexPendant. Are you logging off of the FlexPendant?

    If so, when you log back in as a different user, the behavior that goes on in the background is something similar to a restart. All of the screens that were active for the previous user should be closed by this process.

    Russell Drown
  • Russell,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    No, I am not logging off from the FlexPendant. The FlexPendant is logging me off automatically. I tested this also with an other IRC5 (660), it was exactly the same.

    If I log on as a different user all the other screens are closed, but with my error the robot shows the bootloading menu (Green loading beam) I am trying to reproduce the error, but I can not say exactly when it occurs.

    Can it be because of the size of the application?

  • Are you always running your application logged in as "Programmer CSI"? What grants does this user have? Can you reproduce the problem when you are logged in as "Default User" (assuming Default User has full access)?

    Its difficult to speculate on what affect the size of your application would have, it really depends on the in-memory footprint of the application. Is part of its size due to embedded graphics files?

    Russell Drown