RobotStudio event

limiting the robot speed

With the function speedrefresh you can alter the overall movementspeed of your system in percentages. But this is not what I need because this is dependant on what the programmer has used in his programmingline.

When an input turns low the speed should be maxed as fast as possible to the following values:
?_? 25 mm/s for the TCP.
?_? 30 degrees/s for reorientation of the tool.

?_? 25 mm/s for linear external axes. 
?_? 30 degrees/s for rotating external axes. 

Is there another way to limit the robotspeed than speedrefresh.
It should be limited when an input turns low, when the input turns high it may turn back to the original value.

The Netherlands


  • The velset function relates to all SUBSEQUENT instructions, but that is not fast enough.
    Also it only maximases the TCP speed, not orientation and external axis
    The Netherlands
  • Hi,

    You could create your own speed data (see the RAPID instructions, Function, and Data types manual for more information).

    for instance   VAR speeddata myspeed1:=[1000,500,1000,500];


    An interupt on the I/O could then be used to write the values into the speed data.


    For instance in the interupt routine when the I/O goes low:





    and so on for each of the speeds you use in your program


    Then you would need to reverse the process in the second interupt (when the I/O goes high), so for the above example you would have:





    and so on for each of the speeds you use in your program



    Hope this helps

    graemepaulin2013-01-15 20:24:16

  • See also the new System Input type LimitSpeed that was introduced in RobotWare 5.15. From the RobotWare 5.15 release notes
    'Speed Limitation and Supervision
    With a new system input, LimitSpeed, the speed of the robot can be reduced. The function is
    designed to make it easy to enter an area that is supervised by SafeMove. The limits are
    default max manual mode speed but can be changed by the Rapid instructions:
    SpeedLimCheckPoint - Set a speed limit for the check points of the robot
    SpeedLimAxis - Set a speed limit for an axis.
    A system output LimitSpeed can also be defined and it will be set when the reduced speed has
    been achieved.
    It is important to note that the LimitSpeed function by itself is not a safety rated function.
    When using the LimitSpeed system output as input to SafeMove to perform a change of the
    supervision limits the following way to work is recommended:
    1. The margin between the SafeMove supervision and the axis speed set by the SpeedLimAxis
    function should be at least 2 degrees per second. The margin between the SafeMove
    supervision and the speed set by the SpeedLimCheckPoint function should be at least
    10mm/s. The suggested way to achieve the margin is to reduce the LimitSpeed setting in the
    Rapid instruction compared to the configured SafeMove setting.
    2. Since the speed is computed in different ways in the motor reference generation and in the
    SafeMove supervision (two channel solution) there is a possibility that SafeMove will trigger
    even after LimitSpeed has reported that the speed has been reduced. If this happens try to
    increase the margins as described in step 1.'
    Henrik Berlin
  • Henrik,

    that is axactly what I need, for safemove as you discribed.
    The only thing is my system is 5.14.03
    is there a way to ad this system input-type to my system? It is a 6640 on a track

    The Netherlands
  • I suppose you need to upgrade your system to RobotWare 5.15 (software upgrade). It is recommended to get help from ABB to do the upgrade. Please get in touch with your local ABB Robotics Service representative, see

    Henrik Berlin