RobotStudio event

S4 6400S model?

Is there somewhere IRB6400S library model available to download. Even RS5 don't support S4 serie robots,  I have understood that I can load library model for old robots and use them (knowing I can't do everything).


I just need to design new layout (reachability check mostly) and maybe off-line programming new program for our old robots. But I will need the library file for IRB6400Self robot.





  • Hi Mika,

    Here is the model converted from RS4.

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics
  • Thank you,

    Which ktx or cfg file I can use with it. Create from Layout ask this.

    In mediabool folder .../SAC_5..../SpecialApplication/... there seems to be many cfg files for 6400 but not for 6400S_2.9


    What is the difference for cfg file starting EXT_... and INT_....


    Or should I use stand alone controller? in that case what is the correct kinematic model?



  • Hi Mika,
    As you pointed out in your first post, IRC5 does not support the IRB 6400S robot. You cannot use it with a IRC5 Virtual Controller. Starting with RobotWare 5.15 a number of S4 robots are supported by the Stand Alone Controller, (IRB 640 and IRB 6400R) but not the IRB 6400S.
    Henrik Berlin
  • OK, that's clear.

    Any chance to get it supported some point of time?

