RobotStudio event

Sync RRI with external device

Hi all,
I'm working with the RRI module to capture TCP position along an exploration trajectory. I am able to successfully receive the XML packages with the requested information in my PC. Now I need some way to synchronize the RRI packages with an external sensor, to assure that the TCP position received and the information of the sensor were taken at the same time (~1ms difference).

Anyone has any idea about how to do this syncronization?

Thanks in advance
Luis-Jorge Romeo
Universidad de Zaragoza


  • Moved to RobotWare forum.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi again,
    looking at the absence of answers I think that maybe my first post was not clear enough...

    What I need is to activate a camera while knowing the exact position of the TCP when the image was taken.

    Luis-Jorge Romeo
    Universidad de Zaragoza