RobotStudio event

tcp speed proportional analog signal

does any one know how to use the tcp speed proportional analog signal feature
of dispenseware? I can only find references to it in all the manuals i
have on disk but I can not find a how to on the setup or operation of
it . any ifo would be appreciated.



  • BoB,

    My experience with TCP Speed signal is to capture it with external data acquisition from S4C IRB-6400. I aliased one of the available analog outputs with the signal by going to the System parameters screen, System signals and adding a signal (ex. AO11_1 will be TCP Speed). Default scaling will be 1 mm/sec = 1 mV. You can change scaling in the configuration of the analog output by changing min and max logical and physical values.

    Keep in mind that TCP Signal is the command to the servo system, it is not what actually robot is doing; it is what robot intends to do. The signal is calculated and updated every 24ms. The output is set at about 60ms before robot reaches speed, i.e. signal preceeds the action.

    After you defined the alias to analog output, you can read the value in the program using AOutput function; or there might be a specialized function in the dispenseware (which I have no experience with).
